The Two Sides of a Same Ugly Coin
If Ethiopia's EPRDF and Classified Prosperity Party are not the two sides of the same ugly coin; where is Ethiopia's Current Leadership's inclusion approach of those groups that were left behind for the past 27yrs.
We knew that the Somali State current Administration wrote a letter to NEBE and the houses of people’s representatives to look at the Equation of federal representation. Although that look falls on deaf ears.
Here I am recommending to Mustafa's Administration and the so-called Somali Prosperity Party to boycott the Election even if it needs to bring to the table what we Deserve if they were serious about the letter from the very begging.
Otherwise, save whatever justification you will tell the poor Somali and your Poems. We all pray to find those who can sacrifice their souls even not only the seats you may safeguard today.
To: DP Mustafa Omer
If Poor Somalis have your word; go after the letter you wrote and realise for it. Push it even if doing so will lift you from the seat. Raganimadii maantay Cidhiidhi ku jirtaa ee take it out please. Midna waan kuu sheegayaa Doorkan wax hees iyo Gabay ah oon kaa iibsanayaa ma Jirto. Warqadii aad qortay Iilka halagugu Dhigo.
May Allah my it easy for you to bring what we deserve to the table soon.