Breakfast Or Lunch
By: Abdiaziz Ali
The head of the #Fish. It was my today's Lunch here in #Gode the future Agro-Industrial City #Somali State, Ethiopia. Fish is other resource endowed to Somali Region. Actully this one is extracted from #ShabeelleRiver there are other rivers like #GhanaleRiver.
My good friend and Colluegue, Sewunet likes the Stomach of the Fish #AasaDullet. He used to eat alomost evey day in a week long works that we stayed in #BahirDar. I like also the head of the Fish and can't miss when no go fish rich regions in #Ethipian #AsaaJinqilat 🤣
Nin ree Soomali Galbeed ah ayaa laga hayey Waryaa bahalka ha igu baadh baadhin isagoo sankana haysta. Saxiibkay kulahaa Inaan isnaqaanaa La moodiye anuu bartaas ayaan ku qadayn ee waa inoo makhalka waa Aynuur oo qadada ii fidiyey 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Mahadsanid Bro for inviting me this very delicious food.